Derrick Fludd 1963- has been writing poetry since his early teens his poetic interest began by studying poets such as Rilke, Yeats, Wadsworth, Plath, Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Dickenson and others. Mr. Fludd poetic works strive to encompass moments that define life's experiences, aiming to achieve this by drawing relationships between the interior experience we live with and the reality we share. His work Souvenir (Remember) 1986 starts by recalling an existence before birth, documenting by observation the knowledge one gathers. Exploring the moralistic dualisms we live by trying to become more than what we are. The prose style is graceful and unique creating rhythms upon rhythms in a whirlwind of imagery and concepts. By profession Mr. Fludd was schooled as a fine artist and lives and works in New York City.
Selected Publications:
Poetry Ambassador to the United States The International Library of Poetry 2006
The International Who's Who in Poetry 2005 Published by the International Library of Poetry,
The Best Poems and Poets of 2005 audio collection The International Library of Poetry
Noble House London Poetry Anthology 2005,
The Best Poems and Poets of 2005 The International Library of Poetry,
Nominated for poet of the year 2005The International Library of Poetry,
International Society of Poetry Anthology 2004,
The Best Poems and Poets of 2004 The International Library of Poetry,
American poet Society Audio collection selected poets 2003,
Noble House London Poetry Anthology 2003,
The International Who's Who in Poetry Published by the International Library of Poetry 2003,
American Poetry Anthology 1989,
Best New Poets of 1989,
Selected Works